Exceptional Kids:Gifted and other Exceptionalities
"Tara came into our lives when my son was 3 years old and not developing the same way as his older brother. In my heart I knew I needed advice, and some direction, but the medical community was not very helpful. Tara said she was up to any challenge. She changed my life and my family’s life forever. She is the one person who helped me navigate the “system” and helped me research therapies that would ultimately help my son reach his full potential.
Tara taught me that we could teach our son anything. It was just a different way of teaching. Everything we taught him she first educated me on the need to have it happen in small baby steps: Communicating with PIC symbols; eating an ice cream cone; riding a tricycle; playing in the snow; even tolerating wearing a backpack for school.
Tara was instrumental in helping my son achieve his potential. Our son can speak, read and communicate now which helps him to enjoy many activities. Everyday I look at my son I see Tara’s hard work, dedication and commitment. Tara changed my life and my son’s life. If I had not met Tara I would have never fully understood the meaning of perseverance.
Thank you Tara, for making me realize that a diagnosis doesn’t define your child or the person they are or will be. All you need is a little creativity and commitment."
Tracy C.
"Tara's insight and creativity enable her to provide concrete, practical solutions. With years of experience helping families, Tara is always ready with a suggestion, no matter what the problem. There was a period of time, when my children were little, when I almost never went out in the evenings because the kids would come looking for me in the middle of the night to make sure I had come home. All of us would be completely exhausted the next day and it didn't seem worth it. I promised the kids I would come in and kiss them goodnight when I got home but they were often so sleepy that they didn't remember. Tara came up with a system to help let the kids know that I had returned home and given them their goodnight kisses.
The system worked like a charm and my husband and I were able to enjoy our evenings out again.
Thanks for all your help Tara!"
Audrey G.
"Without your help, we wouldn't be where we are today with our son.
You showed us, that he is smart, knows what a kindergartner should know if not more. That he can focus, follows instructions, can act and react fast when needed. Without your help, we would not have realized that a full hearing screening could be necessary to ensure optimal learning.
You encouraged us to see an audiologist, for our son, and we were shocked to hear the doctor say our son had some hearing loss. Thankfully, for our son, it was treatable and not permanent loss. This is exactly what you told us could be happening with him – and it was. With a small procedure, our son can now hear clearly. At the Post-Op checkup any deficits he did have with his hearing were now gone. His hearing is back up to 100%. As you’ve said, we still have a long way to go to make sure he stays focused at school and other noisy environments. You showed us that it is okay to ask the school for more help and establish closer communication with his teacher.
You opened our eyes with your ideas, understanding and knowledge. We wish everyone would listen to you as much as we did. Again, we thank you every day to opening our eyes and that we listened to what you had to say - even though it was hard to believe. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
Nellie T.
"Tara has acted as a resource and a guide for us as we determine what is the best way to meet our child's needs. Tara consistently asked us the right questions to get us thinking about how to evaluate situations so that we can then take the appropriate next steps for our child. As we navigate an academic curriculum and system that is insufficietly rigorous to meet our child's needs, Tara has given us the "language" and suggested how to approach discussions in ways that have led to successful modifications for our child.
We are so grateful to have Tara as part of our "team" working toward our child's success and know that with her help, we will continue to succeed in our interactions with the school."